
Showing posts from July, 2021

Recommendation Post: Pink Ranger TG

 Hey all! Amber here with a new recommendation post for this week! Today I bring to you another great blog. Unlike the last two blogs I recommended last times, I don't really know the author of this blog who goes as Kat, but I've been a really big fan of them during the last couple of years since they write really good caps. Kat's captions are short in their majority, but good either way, with a really good style and themes that I love, and even though Kat hasn't written anything since May, their captions are still very good reads, and are a lot! So I can assure you that if you are new to Pink Ranger, you'll find lots of stuff to read! As I've done in every recommendation post, I'm gonna say to you which caps of Pink Ranger are my favorites, starting with my most favorite of all "Pure Joy", then it would totally be "Impressive Body", then, the awesome "Inheritance", which is a little longer than the others, "Cheap fix"...

Recommendation post: BadWulfTG

 Hey all! Amber here with yet another recommendation post for this week! Today I bring to you the blog of another friend of mine, and one of the best tg writers I've known in my short life as a writer, I'm talking about Piper, and her awesome blog, BadWulfTG. Once again, another blog that, such as Selene's, doesn't have a single caption that I don't like, I love them all a lot! Especially all of them that are related to motherhood and pregnancy. ;) Piper's got some really nice captions, some short, and some are quite long, but I can guarantee, by personal experience, that all of them have a very large amount of quality, from its beginnings to today, the blog has always been releasing more and more of those awesome captions and stories, and I can bet that you can even get more access to them on her patreon too!  Piper's blog is also one of the main reasons why I started this blog back in March 2021, in fact, my first caption in here is based on an universe sh...

Recommendation post: Demonic Desires

 Hey all! Amber here with the first blog recommendation post of the blog this month. Today I bring to you the awesome blog of my great and dear friend Selene, Demonic Desires! Her blog is an absolute blast! There is no caption in there that I don't like, but in my opinion, the best part is certainly her writing style , which is completely unique, and to be honest, I kind of envy it a little... Her captions are short, yet so detailed and so capable of getting you hooked on. I don't know how she does it, but it's awesome, every single caption she releases, I run to read it as quickly as possible since I love them so much, and I never end up disappointed, it's hard to describe how her style really is, it's a matter of experiencing it to be honest, but the thing I can tell is that she does a lot more with less, and I love that, I really don't get how she can be so detailed with stories that short, and making it work! I've even tried to do it with some caps like ...

Grand opening!!!

 Hello people, Amber here! Today is a great day because I'm officially announcing that I've started a Patreon page for you to enjoy extra benefits from me if you decide to support me! In this post I'll basically explain a little of the three tiers you can choose from my page: As I just told you, there are three tiers in my Patreon, three different plans for you to choose depending on your needs and desires.      -The first tier is "Maiden", for only 3 dollars a month, you'll be getting early access to my captions one month prior to their release on this blog, and the change to answer community polls to help me choose the next caption to be released and other general stuff such as leaving suggestions.     -The second tier is "Princess", this one costs 5 dollars a month, and you'll be getting the Maiden tier benefits, plus access to my project list and calendar for you to be updated on what's next for the near future to be released, and a patro...

Mudándome al piso de arriba

 Mi alarma sonó por la mañana temprano, maldita sea, pensé que había desactivado la alarma por la suspensión de clases! Pero bueno, a pesar de todo, decidí levantarme, no era tan temprano después de todo. Dado que suspendieron mis clases de la universidad, no tenía nada que hacer en el día, así que decidí vestirme y salir por algo de desayunar antes de regresar a mi departamento a pasarme la mañana jugando videojuegos, lo que no sabía era lo que me esperaba.  Caminé por el silencioso y calmado pasillo del edificio donde vivo, y me acerqué al elevador para bajar del cuarto piso en el que me encontraba, en el momento en el que la puerta se abrió, me comencé a sentir nervioso al ver a mi vecina del piso de arriba, ya la había visto antes caminando por el lobby del edificio, aunque realmente no la conocía. Y bueno, la razón por la que me sentí nervioso fue... su escote... No es que sea un pervertido, pero debo admitir que la vista era fantástica, y ella en general también. A pesar...