An Unfair Exchange for Wealth | Chapter 1


Chapter 1: A full-bodied life change

“So… You’re gonna pay me, right?” I asked the doctor.

“I mean, this is a highly secret, experimental and maybe dangerous surgery, but my client is willing to pay millions for its development, so of course you’re going to have a generous payment for the troubles.”

“Can I at least know what’s it about?”

The doctor bluffed; a bit frustrated as I seemed to never stop asking questions. He signaled the nurse to take me to my new room, where I’d be staying.

Once the nurse and I got there, she gave me a gown for surgery and asked me to put it on. Once I did, she gestured me to lay on the bed, I was then taken for surgery; the doctor was waiting for me there, already prepared for whatever I had filled in for, I just hoped the payment was good…

Then they gave me a mask, and I slowly drifted away…

If only I knew what was really going on…


At that time, I didn’t know how much time had passed, but I woke up groggily back in the hospital room. I couldn’t really open my eyes at first, but my senses came back to me quickly, and the first thing I could feel was a really heavy weight on my chest.

It was weird, that same weight kept feeling more attached to me as I moved and shifted under the bedsheets; I could feel it moving, jiggling; like two huge water balloons, moving about and never falling from my chest. I moved my hand and squeezed one of them, and cringed as I felt my fingers tugging at them. Whether I liked it or not, these things were now mine, they were attached to my chest, and I could do nothing to get rid of them.

Struggling, because of the weight, of course, but also, because I didn’t know how much muscle I had lost, I got up and sat on the bed, I opened my eyes until that moment, and what I saw looking down left me out of words.

Before that moment, my mind had done nothing but wander about, now, my sight confirmed it: I had a huge pair of breasts, woman’s breasts. Not only that, but they really were huge, and saggy, and veiny, and covered in stretch marks; as if they had gone through multiple pregnancies and lactation cycles. How did this happen?

I took all the covers off, gasping, surprised as I saw the rest of my body. My new chest blocked my view from the rest of my torso, but I could see my legs. They were thick, especially in the thighs, where I could catch some glimpses of cellulite as well, and they were shorter… My feet were… A bit swollen, and quite smaller; daintier, I’d say.

My arms and hands were almost the same; smaller, daintier, chubbier, some fat fell from their upper part, it was flabby, and old-looking.

Even if I couldn’t see it, I decided to feel my torso. Long gone was my flat and muscular six-pack, now, I had a chubby belly, and I could feel the same aging effects that I had seen on all my body; stretch marks, cellulite, body fat...

This couldn’t be.

Slowly, but steady, I tried to move my new heavy and chubby body out of the bed with the intent of walking to the bathroom and finish seeing all the damage done to me. I felt both curious and furious, what the hell happened?

I was about to touch the floor, when the doctor interrupted me.

“I wouldn’t do that, Mr. Davis… Or should I say, Mrs. Addams?”

I looked at him with both fear and anger, but mostly fear; he could do this to me, who knows what more…

“What have you done to me?”


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