Dream body

I know, I know. Why did I decided to live a life in a body like this? It's crazy! Right? But then I watch my body while taking a shower, or when I wake up, or when I take selfies, and I always end up thinking the same: "This is truly my dream body.

And yeah, maybe you would think it's weird to live as a man with female boobs, but what can I say, aren't they lovely?

It all began a few years ago. In that time, I was a crossdresser, I used my mom's clothes to dress as a woman since they were the only female clothes I had in my house. I liked the way panties and stockings felt, yeah, but there's nothing, I am telling you, NOTHING! Like the feeling of wearing a bra.

I've been a crossdresser because I have always wondered what it felt to have breasts, yes, only breasts, I've never wondered how it felt to be a woman, I just needed to know what it was like to have breasts, I became obsessed with it since my mother looked so happy having a pair of her own, I envied her. I needed to know that feeling of being weighed down by them, of having backaches, or even the feeling of lactation!

One day, I was left alone again in the house, and I didn't hesitate to go to her room and steal her clothes to wear them! It was a habit already, I couldn't stop it, but this time was different, this time, my powers kicked in.

Basically, my powers are that my body is influenced by the clothes I'm wearing, for example, if I wear Brad Pitt's t-shirt, my torso will become his muscular and manly chest and abs. This is why I turned into my mom while wearing her clothes.

I was obviously taken by surprise when I realised my transformation, but after a while of seeing my body, I thought that if I turned into mom with her clothes, I could change back into me with my clothes, and I was right! So since I just fantasized about boobs, I took one of her bras to my room and searched for the best place to hide it, but before that, I decided I would enjoy my new heavy and mature breasts for a while.

20 years have passed, and since we are all in quarantine, I get to stay in my house forever, so I can live as the real me 24/7, with that I mean, with my big breasts in my male self. You may think it's weird, but this is truly my dream body. I love waking up with nipple play on myself, while strocking my cock very hard, you don't know how many great orgasms have these girls gave to me, spoiler alert: a lot!


  1. Wow! Such a cool take on those powers! And what a nice pair of knockers.

  2. Love shapeshifing would love to see more and other directions.


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