March Needs Moms: Mommy Pants

As you walk up the stairs to your bedroom, you think about how nice has your day been, it was a good day at school, nothing much to be said about that; the life of a young male student is always great: your classmates are always the nicest and the best friends ever, you also had a nice meal cooked by your loving mom and your dad gave you a new set of headphones you can use for playing since you got the best grades! It was so cool! Now the bitter part of the day came, you have to study; your final high school exams are coming up soon and you need to be prepared for that if you want to get into a good college; you’d prefer to sit down all day and play videogames, but you can’t. Anyways, you sigh as you get inside your room and start the usual “ritual” to study, turning on the computer, while going to the bathroom and fill your water bottle down in the kitchen, tuning some nice, calm music for working on YouTube, and finally, changing to a more comfortable outfit that can help you c...